INVISIBLE ADVENURES SUPPLEMENTAL RESOURCES: This folder contains all of the supplemental documents and resources to support our teaching series, Invisible Adventures. Some of these resources may be a bit more academic than our usual support materials, but it's important to provide responsible support for the concepts we will be covering.
THE BIG STORY OF THE BIBLE: This folder contains two versions of a helpful graphic that takes the overall story of the Bible and charts it out showing the overall progression of God's redemptive plan. History takes the shape of an ancient literary form known as a chiasm (from the Greek letter Chi "X"). This visual aid helps us to see the connection Christ's Church has with her forbears, but also helps us to see God's ultimate plan to bring new creation in Christ full of life and healing.
PHILIPPIANS: KINGDOM JOY: This doc is an at-a-glance overview of the book of Philippians to assist the Bible student as they engage in their own encounter with this cherished book.
DOWNLOADS FOR THE "HEALING AND DELIVERANCE" SERIES (May 26-June 30 2024): This folder contains multiple downloads that will serve as supplemental material for this series.
DAILY PSALM AND PROVERB READING SYSTEM: This is the system Pastor Mike uses during his daily devotions. This system is adaptable to each person's needs, but gives enough structure to guide a person through a beautiful time of reflection and devotion (even when we don't feel like it!)
THE HOLY TRINITY - as taught in the Holy Scriptures. This short document explains in a plan and simply way, what Christians have always believed about the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). This excerpt from the Orthodox Study Bible offers a scriptural survey of what the Bible teaches about this critical and foundational doctrine.
A JESUS-SHAPED PRAXIS (SUPPLEMENTAL TEXTS): - A document containing scriptures to support believers in learning to put 'feet' on their faith. These texts were provided to supplement the message on 5/5/24.
SEEING LIKE JESUS (SUPPLEMENTAL TEXTS): - A document containing scriptures to support believers in learning to see things with a Jesus-shaped lens. These texts were provided to supplement the message on 4/28/24.
AFFIRMATIONS FOR KINGDOM SEEKERS: - A truth-filled packet to help kingdom-seekers set their minds on the chain-breaking truths of the scriptures. This is a must-have tool for those that want to build a life based on Christ's truth.
THE FOUR PILLARS OF OUR MISSION - A downloadable .jpg listing the four pillars that support the mission of The Vineyard Church. We believe that mastering these four key pillars will help any Christian to progress toward the Jesus-shaped life.
Prayer Walk Guide (from the Navigators) - A resource that helps guide you through a prayer walk. Focus your prayer time by taking a prayer walk. Pray together with a group or individually. This prayer walking tool was designed for college campuses. Do a prayer walk on a campus near you, or adapt it to pray in your own town, neighborhood,
workplace, or school.
Psalm 23 Memorization Sheet - In Dallas Willard's book, Life Without Lack, he strongly recommends memorizing Psalm 23. By planting God's Word in our hearts, we discover that when we're tempted feel that we are lacking, the truth that our Good Shepherd has provided everything that we truly need brings us contentment and peace.
The Greatest Story EVER - 3 Lenses Sheet - This resource provides a brief overview and of the three lenses one may use to understand the Bible. This resource was used for our BIBLE VISION sermon series in March of 2023.
Jesus Revolution and the Vineyard Movement - This resources offers highlights to how the Jesus Movement of the late 1960's and early 1970's sparked the Vineyard Movement, which is now a family over 2,000 churches worldwide.
Who is my Neighbor? - This resource part of a challenging exercise where you are challenged to name your surrounding neighbors - including specifics about their life, their challenges, struggles, etc.
The "Power Equation" - This chart gives a simplified understanding of the areas in our lives that contribute toward operating in the power of God in our lives. This has been adapted from Jordan Seng's illustration in his book, "Miracle Work."
Five Levels of Consecration - This handout provides an overview of the journey from being contentious to consecrated before God.
Fact Sheet: Satan - While we are not a church that promotes the "devil is under every rock" mentality, it is important to have a balanced view on the subject of Satan/The Devil/Lucifer. This resource covers basic biblical details regarding Satan and his workings in the world. We recommend using this resource as a reference sheet when reading or studying relevant passages.
The Word of God Sheet - The term "the Word of God" has different meanings based on how it's used. However, every expression must be in alignment with the others. For example, "The Word of God" in describing the scriptures cannot disagree with "The Word of God" meaning the gospel itself.
God's Agenda Graphic - As Mike Tyson once said, "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." Life can hit hard, so it's vital to know that God has a plan - and agenda for us and the world. To see God's agenda - God's heart, it's helpful to look at how Jesus prayed. This graphic gives us an overview of God's agenda based on how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. No matter how hard the enemy or life hits, we can stick to God's plan for our lives, for our family, our community, and beyond.